September 23, 2010

Has the US attacked Iran?

Malicious Computer Worm Launched at Industrial Targets

The Stuxnet computer worm spreads through previously unknown holes in MicroSoft's Windows operating system and then looks for a type of software made by Siemans and used to control industrial components, including valves and brakes.

Stuxnet can hide itself, wait for certain conditions and give new orders to the components that reverse what they would normally do, the experts said. At a closed-door conference this week in Maryland, Ralph Langner, a German industrial controls safety expert, said Stuxnet might be targeting not a sector but perhaps only one plant, and he speculated that it could be a controversial nuclear facility in Iran.

According to Symantec, which has been investigating the virus and plans to publish details of the rogue commands on Wednesday, Iran has had far more infections than any other country.


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